Some people just won't
accept the Truth. They
shake you down, and they
follow you around, Prying
into your life like you owe
it to them. Funny thing -
the stuff they wanna know
- you'd most likely TELL
them, if they managed to
treat you with a common
decency and respect. You
would tell them the things
they so desperately want
to know - IF they gave you the time. Funny thing #2 - IF you DO
tell them, BUT! - those things aren't what they had imagined they wanted to hear, they INVENT things to make you fit their imagined 'friend' - or worse depending on how your 'friendship?' has progressed. That's not a very accurate word there 'progressed'. NOTHING on the internet 'progresses' - everyone is in the NOW or immediate NOTHING - 'We want it all, and we want it NOW.' !
So, the Truth is that i am NOBODY. ... But that don't satisfy some sinners, and now i got some returns for those who've invested in my unraveled travel.
~A. Wrekk